Brand New Union Medical Center Opening Soon!

The new Union Medical Center will open on February 11th! It is located at 1201 Furman L. Fendley Highway, Union, SC 29379. The AccessHealth office at UMC will close on February 6th at the current location and will reopen in the new facility on February 11th.

Client Recertification

If you are a current client of AccessHealth Spartanburg Cherokee Union and need to re-certify, please print and complete the recertification documents and drop them off at one of the AccessHealth offices with the other required eligibility documents. In order to be eligible for recertification, you will need to provide us with the following documentation in addition to the completed packets:

1. Copy of picture I.D. or Driver's License 

2. Proof of Household Income (one of the following):

  • Last 2 paycheck stubs for all working adults in the house or
  • Current year's Disability Income/Social Security Income Award Letter or
  • Unemployment Statement or Retirement Statement or
  • A copy of your most recent Income Tax Return

3. If you are currently without income:

  • Complete the no income form—provided by AccessHealth 

4. If you are currently receiving SNAP benefits, please submit a current SNAP approval letter

5. Proof of where you are living

  • Submit ANY piece of mail with your name & physical address on it (Not hand-written) or
  • I.D./Driver's License if it has your current address on it

After your renewal is approved, a $20 renewal fee can be paid with cash or money order ONLY. Please call our office if you have any questions. You can download the forms below in English or Spanish and deliver them to our offices along with the supplemental documents listed above.

Spartanburg office--501 Howard St Suite B, Spartanburg, SC 29303 

Cherokee office--Cherokee Medical Center--1530 North Limestone Street, Gaffney, SC 29340

Union office--Union Medical Center--322 West South Street, Union, SC 29379

Recertification Documents
Recertification Packet-English Recertification Packet-Spanish

Physicians Leading

Dozens of Spartanburg, Cherokee, & Union County physicians and providers have come together to make a big impact.

       what our provider partners do

Do You Need Care?

If you live in Spartanburg County, Cherokee County, or Union County, are uninsured, and do not qualify for Medicaid or Medicare, you might benefit from AccessHealth. Contact us today to start the process.

Learn about becoming a client

Supporting Health Care Access
Supports our Entire Community

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